The Impact of Governance & Globalization on Forecasting
here are a few of the comments that have come through
on tunnelin':
nice white paper. solid concept. like your article on MS ....hello big bro
in this context .. look at 'earth bermed construction'
my calculations indicate currently that in temperate latitudes
earth berm the northside with 800 cu yard of rock
to use as heatstore + superinsulation on exposed walls
and windows (paid for by the decreased exposed area)
+ solar hotwater preheat + passive solar
is cheaper than superinsulating the whole house
with no heat store ( but including the other measures like
passive solar + solar hotwater preheat)
also ... payback in making an inground swimming pool
and using that for heat collection for storage had a
fairly good payoff time as well
i hear a rumor that u can take 20 times average annual energy bill
savings for any installed conservation measures and add it to
the sale price of the house
in certain states perhaps ..?
looks good...
but make sure your tunnel is waterproof.
considering the pollution that man is doing to the pervious ground surface
(ie.: pavement runoff effecting pennypack creek), in a hole may
also be a dangerous place to be.
while workin' on a reply to all the tunnel proofin'...
i had a question meself:
what about:
and the question has to do with expansion and
weather n' chaos of what man is doing... well, it may
result in hotter... perhaps... then/or/likely antitheses...
white out (if ya don't know what this means -- freeze
your arse off.)
but surely
volatility in temperature?
and what does that do to expansion and contraction of
building materials
ps 'tink i may see evidence of this already
land movements, frost heave ... faster than seen b4
same with retaining walls, old masonry .. u no the rest
more evrythin
'k... i did not understand anything on that website
hehehe... well, just in case of such an emergency... i've
attempted a generation Y translation
here for the MP3 music version.
[by the way:
what generation are we on now?
baby boomers are keeling... gen x is agin',
what happens after the next generation?]
GEN. Y Tunnel Translation: HowFarToDig (Tunnel Under)
The plan to control,
Central command,
Or, will you dig?
Is it time to tunnel under,
Gotta dig,
Will you help dig?
How deep need we go?
How far must we go?
building materials
english -- will some peoples houses fall down?
more volatility
* volatility in temperature?
as far as i can see, that's - volatility - the most
specific anybody can get on the subject so far.
whether its warming or cooling seems to be a
trend of the day question
* and what does that do to expansion and contraction of
* building materials
* english -- will some peoples houses fall down?
i don't know whether abrupt, short-term, extreme
events (like violent storms, flash floods, one month
freezes, etc) are doing most of the damage,
if the accunulated effects of the volatility is doing
more damage
i don't know if any studies have been done on that
but i'm sure somebody will do that and make a bundle
selling the results
about the irony... of naming our generations... and the
amount of time left to deal with tunneling under
gen y is the current study
Certainly won't rock,
And, it likely won't roll.
(tick, tock goes the clock)
Will demand,
A toll,
On the lesser.
Stand up to Mr. Big?
Or, flip your wig?
How far will you dig?
Due to corporate blunder,
Is it time to tunnel under,
Due to Federal Commander?
Gotta dig deep,
Less evil's influence will seep,
It will creep,
And, rob your essence,
Like a greedy pig.
I hope you come along?
Can you dig this jig?
Same ole' dance and song.
Do you know?
How far to go?
Just must trust?
Gotta tunnel under...
Is it any wonder?