MegaEpix Enormous Presents
(with help from our friends @)
MegaEpix Enormous: Sound & Motion
produced by
Forever experimenting with digitization for sensual and emotional stimulation, Industrial Noize Pollution presents one of the more successful tests of streaming video (both sight and sound). There are many factors that effect the quality of multimedia that you see on the Internet. In general, the better that it looks and sounds, the longer it takes to download. Not only that, but quite often the higher quality files will cause a large portion of the audience to crash.
Since sensual stimulation is often difficult to separate from emotional stimulation, we try to marry our physical experiments with social experiments.
Harsh Noize: A Physical Experiment in Sight & Sound
A wide variety of tests are being conducted with the intent of creating a long-lasting supply of Internet friendly multimedia files. Minimum acceptable standards include:- reasonable download time with a 28.8 modem
- the ability for pieces to up to 5 minutes in length
- no 'plug-in' involved
So far, we have found nothing that will meet all of these requirements, however; Real Audio is getting close with its Real Player (you can click here for download info.). Though it isn't yet standard equipment with the majority of browsers in use, the set-up isn't too bad… and they appear likely to pack it into future versions of browsers.
Some of the early tests were made on delicate sounding songs. By the time the soundtrack made it to the 'net, it was unrecognizable. To avoid wasting any more time, an enormous sight and sound experiment of epic proportion was initiated. Into the mixing bowl was thrown a wide variety of sights and sounds: - low temperature physics laboratory narration
- digitaized keyboard sound wave tests
- ambulance and sirens
- heavy metal thunder guitar playing
- fire and explosions
- Bryce 3D animation
- Macintosh animation
The experiment will continue as we extend the project into a mega-epic.
Harsh Attitudes: A Philosophical Experiment in Emotion
The philosophical probe of the project is to examine abandonment. Is it acceptable to abandon? Is it acceptable for society to abandon its quest for knowledge? Is it acceptable for a friend to abandon another friend? Is it acceptable for a father to abandon his child?
Can abandonment be unintentional?
If you are the victim of abandonment, are you entitled to feel anger… rage… hate?
© The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment Publishing Company
These graphics, images, text copy, sights or sounds may not be used without expressed written consent of the Glistening Web Communications Corporation.