The Mind's Eye @ MegaEpix Enormous Presents

(with help from our friends @)

The Psychological Arrow of Time

So, I'm thinking about what Sidd said, as I log onto a server. And, whenever you log onto a computer running Linux as the operating system, you get these mysterious words of advice from 'The Gods'. The message that I get today is
Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Wow... how apropos... indifference is a lack of urgency. Urgency suggests a human condition inflicted by time. Perhaps further investigation is warranted?

I ask a peer what he thinks:

and ambivalence will be its epitaph...
but i don't know what to do about it.

Well, there must be some way to get out the message... there must be something that we can do about it. I say, Peter, can you explain this 'psychological arrow of time' thing in a nutshell?
This pair of shadows wanders into Einstein's lab and asks what time it is. Einstein, moving very fast around his desk in the opposite direction, tells them that time is relative (like a mother-in-law) - if you're in pain, time barely moves, but if you're having fun, time passes. Therefore, have fun and don't think so hard about it.

Ah, yes! I see. Like how a claustrophobic feels in a closed space... or, how I feel when I'm at a bar... and the place is a dive... but, I drove with friends who want to stay... and inside I'm screaming, GET ME OUTTA HERE.

Get Me Outta Here (Multimedia Download Info.)

Imagine this: for all of eternity you are stuck in a place that you do not wish to be.
CLICK HERE to start a 9M .avi music video download. If you need help with multimedia on the Internet, please click here.

The music for this video was written and recorded in real time. You can click here for more info. on the music (and more downloads.)

The bar scenes were collected from various RomBox.Com outings and feature some of our favorite bars and performers.

Included in the footage you can see:
Pontiac Bar & Grill, Philadelphia, PA
The Hard Road Cafe, Columbus, OH
Unknown Location, Miami, FL
The Grape Street Pub, Philadelphia, PA

Included in the footage you can find cameos by:
Kyle Turner & Steve Holloway
Bambi LeFleur
Michael Stegner of the Jongleurs
Cool Hand Wally
Gray Matters

Get me outta here!

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