The Meaning Of $

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This song was inspired by the The Meaning Of Money and The Hypocritical Oath.


The meaning of money,
Is kind of funny,
A mere medium of exchange,
Yet, causes people to act so strange.

They have a need,
They won't call greed,
Nor will they concede,
To being the agitator,
Yet, sooner or later,
They will confess,
To being the catalyst,
We continue to bleed,
So, I can't wait,
Till their judgement,
I can't wait another moment!

Do not deny,
Do not lie,
To consume,
Is to be the cause --
Economic's Laws.
Don't assume,
No more lies!

The answer is not to quit,
No! Not a bit.
Resume to consume,
Just examine the habit?
(So, that you won't be a hypocrite)

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